07 Jul 2014
Over the weekend I converted all of our popular textbooks from our new HTML format to kramdown (a Markdown variant that allows classes) and tossed it on GitHub.
Since gh-pages automatically converts kramdown files to HTML using jekyll, I also created a tiny book reader and linked to it in the book.
Click the screenshot to read all the books!

By using a Markdown variant instead of HTML, there are several things GitHub provides for free.
- repo pages will render instead of just showing the markup
- links between pages just work
- diffs and Pull Requests render and add changebars/colors to make the changes clearer
Clickable Table of Contents

Note: {: ...}
is kramdown’s way of adding classes
The markup:
layout: page
1. {: .preface} [Preface](contents/m46844.md)
2. {: .part} Unit 1: Levels of Organization
1. {: .chapter} [An Introduction to the...](contents/m45981.md)
1. [Overview of Anatomy and Physiology](contents/m45983.md)
2. [Structural Organization of the...](contents/m45985.md)
3. [Functions of Human Life](contents/m45986.md)
2. {: .chapter} [The Chemical Level of...](contents/m45996.md)
1. [Elements and Atoms: The Building...](contents/m45998.md)
2. [Chemical Bonds](contents/m46000.md)
3. [Chemical Reactions](contents/m46004.md)
Rendering in normal GitHub.com
The markdown files render on GitHub.com repo pages (see example page on GitHub)

and the raw kramdown:
title: "Anatomy of Selected Synovial Joints"
layout: page
<div data-type="abstract" markdown="1">
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
* Describe the bones that articulate together to form selected...
* Discuss the movements available at each joint
* Describe the structures that support and prevent excess movements
# Articulations of the Vertebral Column
In addition to being held together by the intervertebral discs,
vertebrae also articulate with each other at synovial joints formed
between the superior and inferior articular processes called
**zygapophysial joints**{: data-type="term" :} (facet joints) (see
[link text](m46383.md#fig-ch09_01_02)). These are
plane joints that provide for only limited motions between the
vertebrae. The orientation of the articular processes at these joint
varies in different regions of the vertebral column and serves to
determine the types of motions available in each vertebral region.
The cervical and lumbar regions have the greatest ranges of motions.
{: data-title="Figure Title" .half-page :}
Rendered Changes
GitHub will also render the changes of kramdown files instead of showing a diff (see example of deleting a chapter)

- unobtrusive design
- big next/prev buttons
- reading progress bar
- keyboard left/right buttons work
- Table of Contents shows pages you have read
- spinner shows when page is loading
- just 300 lines of code
- works on any book hosted on cnx.org too! Examples of all the Openstax College books
- search button reuses the Table of Contents
- does not require building the files for
(unlike GitBook)
Book Reader Links
- the reader works even if files are stored in places other than
(thanks to URI.js)
- kramdown does not support
(unless you HTML escape it) so I added attributes to the <img>
tag (for the title) and JS converts them to a <figure>
- internal links do not work on the OSC cnx.org books because I ran out of time and used
<base href="archive.cnx.org">
- Jekyll requires all Markdown that is converted to HTML must have a YAML header
- I removed autogenerated ids on paragraphs and lists so the kramdown is cleaner (
Keep Reading...
25 May 2014
I originally wrote philschatz/octokit.js to interact with GitHub’s API using Promises. I started by forking an existing API michael/github and rewrote it using CoffeeScript and jQuery Promises. Then, thanks to contributions, they removed the dependence on Underscore and I removed the dependence on jQuery (and added support for several promise implementations).
But the code was getting too large as people incrementally added features so I thought it was time to rewrite with a focus on implementing as much of GitHub’s API concisely and consistently (with the hope of getting it adopted by GitHub officially).
Given my interest in Programming Languages, I decided to make a “Domain Specific Language” for GitHub (it’s in quotes because technically it’s still just Javascript but read on.
The results are at philschatz/octokat.js.
Necessary Features
This new library needed to:
- support ~100% of the GitHub API from the start
- have as little code as possible to maintain
- work in NodeJS and the browser
- have multiple source files
- have tons of unit tests
- support NodeJS callbacks and Promises
Let me quickly go through each of these and the challenges each presented.
Support ~100% of the GitHub API
This library abstracts all the authentication, status codes, caching, headers, HyperMedia (URL templates), and pagination returned from GitHub.
Abstracting Requests and Responses
Understanding how to form a request and how to parse the response is the bulk of the API; the logic is in src/request.coffee
and src/replacer.coffee
The other part is a chaining function that constructs a valid request.
Constructing Valid Requests
In the original philschatz/octokit.js there was a ton of copy/pasta dedicated to just constructing valid URLs.
Instead, this library has a regular expression that validates all URLs before calling GitHub and constructs objects dynamically through chaining (see src/grammar.coffee
By reading the documentation at https://developer.github.com/v3/ a developer implicitly constructs a URL and then issues a request by calling one of the verb methods.
For example, to list all comments on an issue convert the documentation URL to the following:
GET /repos/:owner/:repo/issues/:number/comments
.repos(owner, repo).issues(number).comments.fetch()
Here are 3 ways to list all comments on an issue:
octo = new Octokat()
REPO = octo.repos('octokit/octokit.rb') # for brevity
# Option 1: using callbacks
REPO.issues(1).comments.fetch (err, comments) ->
console.error(err) if err
console.log(comments) unless err
# Option 2: using Promises
.then (comments) ->
# Option 3: using methods on the fetched Repository object
.then (repo) ->
# `repo` contains returned JSON and additional methods
.then (issue) ->
# `repo` contains returned JSON and additional methods
.then (comments) ->
There are several verb methods to choose from:
sends a GET
and yields an Object
sends a GET
and yields raw data
sends a POST
and yields an Object
sends a PATCH
and yields an Object
sends a DELETE
and yields a boolean
sends a PUT
and yields a boolean
sends a GET
and yields a boolean
Pagination and HTML templates
GitHub returns headers for lists of results. These are automatically converted to nextPage
, previousPage
, firstPage
, and lastPage
methods on the resulting JSON.
Paging through all the issues on a repository looks like this:
# Create an issues object (but does not fetch anything yet)
ISSUES = octo.repos('octokit/octokit.rb').issues
# Option 1: with callbacks
ISSUES.fetch (err, issues) ->
issues.nextPage (err, moreIssues) ->
# Option 2: with Promises
.then (issues) ->
.then (moreIssues) ->
Maintain a Minimal Amount of Code
With this API you are prevented from constructing an invalid URL because every request is validated against the URL_VALIDATOR
regular expression before sending the request to GitHub.
Instead of writing largely copy/pasta code that constructs classes I opted for a regular expression that represents the entire GitHub API.
This can be found in src/grammar.coffee
Works in NodeJS and the Browser
Getting this to work was a bit challenging.
NodeJS and AMD have slightly different syntaxes; enough to require adding in some boilerplate code to convert between the two.
Each of the source files contains 2 lines of boilerplate on the top of the file and the bottom.
Attempt 1
Originally, I had the entire library in a single file.
I was able to have very little boilerplate. Just something like the following:
@define ?= (cb) -> cb((dep) -> require(dep.replace('cs!', '')))
define (require) ->
foo = require 'foo'
module?.exports = Octokat # For NodeJS
window?.Octokat = Octokat # For browsers
return Octokat # For browsers using AMD
This worked well but resulted in a single large file.
Attempt 2
I then split up the library into multiple files and got it working but ran into a problem when trying to build everything into one file.
I spent about a week trying to get jrburke/r.js and jrburke/almond to build a single file but could not get NodeJS, AMD, and the single file to all work at the same time.
Attempt 3
Finally, I opted for compiling the coffee files and concatenating them together with a custom define
method similar to what other libraries do (see the require()
method in less/less.js.
With this option, the tests run:
- on the source coffee files in NodeJS
- on the source coffee files in the browser
- on the built
file in the browser
Finally, multiple source files and tests running in all 3 environments!
Fixtures and Recording HTTP Requests
The library currently runs about 400 tests. There are about 120 unique tests, 80 are alternates using callbacks instead of promises, and 200 are the same tests but running in the browser.
In order to not pummel GitHub with duplicate requests I use linkedin/sepia to generate “cassettes” to replay the HTTP requests.
Unfortunately, sepia only runs on NodeJS so I wrote philschatz/sepia.js which plays back (and can record) linkedin/sepia
Support NodeJS Callbacks and Promises
In order to support both callbacks and promises, the asynchronous methods (called verb methods) all support a function as the final argument and return a Promise.
This way, you can always end each line with a callback or with a .then()
and the code just works.
The client only returns a Promise if one of the supported Promise libraries are detected (jQuery
, angular
, Q
, or native Promises).
If you use one of those libraries but still prefer to use callbacks just make sure the callback is the last argument and the code will just workTM.
Keep Reading...
14 Apr 2014
This weekend I decided to remove jQuery from 2 of my libraries: css-polyfills.js and octokit.js.
It was motivated by requests from octokit users and by the horrible performance of css-polyfills.js on large textbooks (took ~1.5 hours).
I started with you-might-not-need-jquery and made incremental progress through the codebase. Initially my hope was to decrease the time by 50% but the refactor was only providing marginal improvements, until I hit the following line of code:
This uses Sizzle to find an element by id. As soon as I turned it into the following…
BAM! the time dropped from ~1.5 hours down to 4.5 minutes.
The other annoying bit was that the DOM sometimes returns a live list, meaning if you remove an element, it is directly reflected in the NodeList
To avoid the problem of iterating over live NodeList
and removing some of them I wrapped it in _.toArray()
This one was a bit easier.
octokit.js uses 2 features in jQuery: jQuery.ajax()
and jQuery.Deferred
ECMAScript 6 has native support for Promise
(and the more fun generators) and it seems the XMLHTTPRequest
object is not going away any time soon.
Fortunately, it does not do any DOM manipulation so refactoring this only required changing a few isolated spots in the code.
There were some benefits in making the change as well as drawbacks.
As a reward for being almost a decade ahead of its time, jQuery promises are almost, but not quote the same as ECMAScript Promises. They are constructed differently, have different names for functions, and have more features than the native Promises.
For example:
- waiting on all Promises to complete in jQuery requires calling
- jQuery promises have
and .progress()
- distinguish between waiting on a promise and extending one (
vs .then()
- allow multiple arguments to
For octokit this would have been a nice way to provide paginated results as a second argument.
Keep Reading...
07 Apr 2014
In Building CSS skeletons and slots I showed how to style a piece of content based on where it occurs (the @contexts...
The code can be found at philschatz/skeleton-generator.css.
Here’s a discussion on the machinery needed to realize that.
Types and Templates
First, we need a way to describe the selector for a particular type. Let’s use a subfigure (figure inside a figure) for this example.
A typical figure would have styling like:
figure {
border: 1px solid blue;
figcaption {
color: green;
When split into slots and skeletons (let’s ignore @kind
and @part
for now) it would look like:
// The "skeleton":
figure {
figcaption {
// The "slots":
#content {
#figure {
.style() { border: 1px solid blue; }
.caption() { color: green; }
Now, we have something to work with.
To make a subfigure have a yellow
border, the CSS would look something like:
figure {
figure { // Note: it's inside another figure
border: 1px solid yellow;
and the skeleton and slots would look like:
// The "skeleton" for a subfigure:
figure {
figure {
#content>#figure>.style(figure); // the arg denotes that this is
// _inside_ another `figure`
figcaption {
// The "slots" for a subfigure:
#content {
#figure {
.style(figure) { border: 1px solid yellow; }
Now, we could write all possible permutations of figures, notes, tables, examples, etc in the skeleton file but that would be tedious. Instead, we can autogenerate them using the ...
list expander in LessCSS.
First, we need to break up the figure into a couple pieces:
- the selector that distinguishes a
from a .note
or a .example
- the template of the “structure” inside a figure (it has a
and .caption()
For each @type
(figure, note, table) the selector can be defined as:
#skeleton {
.selector(figure) {
figure { .x-template-helper(figure); }
Assuming .x-template-helper
does something (for now), this would allow us to create:
figure {
figure {
... // figures all the way down!
… since the only thing this mixin defines is the selector figure { ... }
(so it can be nested).
Next, we need to define what can be inside a figure (or subfigure). This is defined by the #skeleton>.template(figure)
mixin. We can define it as:
#skeleton {
.template(figure) {
// All figures have a style and may have a caption.
figcaption { #content>#figure>.caption(); }
This says a figure has a .style()
and a style on the caption.
So far we have defined both what a figure is (the .selector(@type)
) and what it can contain (the .template(@type)
Now we need to combine these to generate the expected CSS:
figure {
figure {
border: 1px solid yellow;
To do it, we need to build a bit more machinery first!
List evaluation in LessCSS
There are several @types
we need to permute. In this example there are only figures, but for a book there will be several types (ie figure
, note
, table
, example
The generator needs to iterate over all these types so for now let’s put them in a variable.
@all-types: figure, note, table, example;
LessCSS has a way way of going through and recursively evaluating a list:
.recursive() { } // base case
.recursive(@head; @tail...) {
content: @head;
.recursive(@tail...); // The `@tail` list is expanded to
// multiple arguments
Using this structure and the .selector(@type)
and .template(@type)
mixins we can create the following:
.build-children(@type; @rest...) {
// The recusion step is in `.x-template-helper`
// This mixin was "assumed" above but is defined here.
// It is used in the `.selector()` mixin.
.x-template-helper(@type) {
// Recurse!
In order to prevent an infinite loop, we define a @max-depth
and add a @depth
param to the mixins:
.build-children(0; ...) { } // base case
.build-children(@depth; @type; @rest...) {
.build-children(@depth; @rest...);
.x-template-helper(@type) {
.build-children((@depth - 1); @all-types...);
Now, when .build-children(2; @base-types...)
is called, we get the following:
figure {
border: 1px solid blue; // Recall figures have a blue border
figcaption {
color: green; // Recall figure captions are green
figure {
border: 1px solid yellow; // Recall subfigures have a
// yellow border
Which is the desired result.
Custom classes
So far, we’ve ignored the @kind
and @part
parameters to mixins.
In this section we can add them back in.
The @part
parameter describes which part of the book the content is in. Some examples are preface
, chapter
, or appendix
. The @kind
parameter describes the custom class on a piece of content. These are specific to a book (.how-to
for physics or .timeline
for a history book).
To handle the @part
, chapter
, appendix
, etc) we merely need to add a @part
parameter to .build-children()
To handle the @kind
parameter we need to let the skeleton-generation code know what are all the possible classes (@kind
) for a given type (figure
, example
, section
, etc).
To do this, we add a “function” mixin to the #content
namespace which will “return” a list of classes for each type.
Because these are specific to each book they are defined as a #content.kinds(@type)
mixin that “returns” by setting a @return
For example, we could have several classes on a figure: .full-width
and .half-width
The expected CSS would be:
figure.full-width { width: 100%; }
figure.half-width { width: 50%; }
To define these for the skeleton-generator and the add styling in the slots, it would look like:
#content {
.kinds(figure) {
// all the possible classes on a `figure` for this book:
@return: 'full-width', 'half-width';
#figure {
.style('full-width') { width: 100%; }
.style('half-width') { width: 50%; }
Then, we can add a @kind
parameter to the definition of .selector(@type)
and change the corresponding definitions of .build-children()
and .x-template-helper()
Custom classes in @contexts...
So far, the @contexts...
arguments only contain a list of types.
For example, styling any exercise
inside an example
inside a chapter
is done like this:
#content {
#exercise {
.style(any; chapter; example) { ... }
To style an exercise
inside a .how-to
example we need a bit more information; namely the class .how-to
. To do this, we can use the #content>.kinds(@type)
mixin defined above when permuting.
It looks something like:
.x-helper-base-types(@depth; @contexts; @type; @rest...) {
.selector(@type; @depth; any; @contexts...);
// Loop for any custom `@kind`s
@kinds: @return;
.x-helper-custom-types(@depth; @contexts; @type; @kinds...);
// recurse
.x-helper-base-types(@depth; @contexts; @rest...);
Now, we can style a figure based on:
- the class
- the context
- the context
s (classes)
Checking all possible combinations of @type
s is computation and memory intensive.
Fortunately, we can short-cut several of these.
For example, a figure
can never contain a section
or an example
Instead of using a global @all-types
for recursion, we can recurse based on valid children by defining a mixin that “returns” the valid children.
This would look like:
#skeleton {
#content {
.children(figure) { @return: figure, table; } //style subfigures
//and tables
//inside a figure
// Defines the "root" children for a piece of content
.children(none) { @return: table, figure, exercise, example; }
This mixin is used in .x-helper-base-types
to restrict the list of children that are permuted.
Now, we can quickly style a figure
based on:
- the class
- the context
- the context
s (classes)
Keep Reading...
16 Mar 2014
Simple Slots and Skeletons
We are transitioning from 1 output format for CSS (Docbook HTML) to multiple HTML formats (PDF, EPUB, web).
To reuse the same CSS we split the selectors and rules into mixins that are namespaced based on their logical part in the book. Instead of a .note { color: blue; }
we split it into 2 parts:
// The skeleton:
.note { #content>#note>.style(); }
// and the slot:
#content {
#note {
.style() { color: blue; }
This allows us to reuse the logical styling when the HTML format changes.
Now, styling a book merely involves filling in the right slots.
Slot parameters
Custom classes
Often we have custom “features” in a book. These are often written and as notes or sections with a custom class name.
To style these, every slot has a @kind
parameter as the 1st argument to the mixin.
Here is an example of a “How To” feature:
#content {
#note {
.style('how-to') { color: orange; }
Parts of a book
But sometimes it is necessary to style the feature differently based on which part of the book it is in. Most commonly this is used for numbering. For example, a Figure in a chapter would be labeled Figure 4.3
but in an appendix it would be labeled Figure A3
To support this, the 2nd argument is the @part
. For most slot definitions this will just be any
When styling a book, it is often important to know what an element is in. For example, a worked-out example is actually an exercise
inside an example
. It should not be numbered (since it is not a homework problem) and might be rendered with text other than Problem
and Solution
To handle this case, the final arguments to a mixin are @contexts...
Here is how to style an exercise inside an example:
#content {
#exercise {
.style(any; @part; example) { color: green; }
This makes any
exercise (regardless of class) in any @part
that occurs inside an example
If you wanted to make any exercise inside a how-to
example yellow you would write:
#content {
#exercise {
.style(any; @part; example; 'how-to') { color: yellow; }
Similarly, any exercise in an example in the review-questions
section at the end of a chapter would be something like:
#content {
#exercise {
.style(any; chapter; end-of; section; 'review-questions'; example) { color: aqua; }
That’s about it for the intro to slots and skeletons. I should have another post on the namespace organization of a book and a post on how the machinery needed to get the @contexts...
parameter to work.
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