
class="introduction" class="summary" title="Sections Summary" class="art-exercise" title="Art Connections" class="multiple-choice" title="Multiple Choice" class="free-response" title="Free Response"

In part A, a PCR machine sits on a desk. It has a digital screen on the front and buttons, and “caution, hot base” is written on the front. Part B shows a hot spring in Yellowstone.

The latter half of the twentieth century began with the discovery of the structure of DNA, then progressed to the development of the basic tools used to study and manipulate DNA. These advances, as well as advances in our understanding of and ability to manipulate cells, have led some to refer to the twenty-first century as the biotechnology century. The rate of discovery and of the development of new applications in medicine, agriculture, and energy is expected to accelerate, bringing huge benefits to humankind and perhaps also significant risks. Many of these developments are expected to raise significant ethical and social questions that human societies have not yet had to consider.

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